Osaka’s Carpassion

Indulge in authentic cuisine at Osaka, which recently opened in Brickell and boasts several additional outposts throughout South America. In the heart of the restaurant is the signature Nikkei and ceviche bar, where guests can dine while watching Nikkei master chef Rogger Quispe and his team prepare signature rolls and dishes. “Our Carpassion is the perfect combination of salmon and passion fruit,” Quispe says. “It’s not something that people are accustomed to, but once they try it, they can’t get enough. We have served this dish for 18 years; the contrasting flavors and textures have made it a favorite across all markets.”
120 grams fresh salmon
200 ml passion fruit syrup
50 grams sugar
10 grams mayonnaise
3 grams of mustard
4 leaves spring roll shells (fried)
2 grams watercress
1 gram salt
2 ml lime juice
- Boil the concentration of passion fruit syrup to 50 percent. Add sugar and let it boil.
- Let the mix cool down, then mix with mayonnaise and mustard.
- Finely cut the spring roll sheet and fry. Drain the excess.
- Finely slice the salmon and plate it in a nice round dish.
- Add the salt and passion fruit mix. Top it with the fried spring roll sheet (cut in pieces). Decorate with watercress and lime juice.
1300 Brickell Bay Drive, Miami; 786.627.4800;