East of Collins Expediting Inc. President & CEO Jeevan Tillit Appointed to City of Miami Beach Ad Hoc Permitting Process Improvement Advisory Committee

East of Collins Expediting Inc. President and CEO Jeevan Tillit is pleased to announce that he has been nominated by Miami Beach Vice Mayor Laura Dominguez and confirmed by the city commission to Miami Beach’s Ad Hoc Permitting Process Improvement Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the committee is to comprehensively assess and evaluate the City’s Building Department’s permit processes and identify recommendations for streamlining the process and improving the customer service experience with the public. Tillit’s appointment is for one year. He was appointed in March 2024.
The committee is comprised of seven at-large appointments (residents, contractors, local business owners, landlords, and more) made by the mayor and city commission as a body. It meets on a monthly basis, or as frequently as the committee deems necessary to make final recommendations.
“I’m honored to be selected to serve on the City of Miami Beach Ad Hoc Permitting Process Improvement Advisory Committee,” Tillit said. “I’m happy to bring my expertise in construction permitting and more to generate new recommendations for the city that ultimately improve the customer experience by increasing transparency and efficiency for permit applicants.”
With more than 15 years of experience in construction permitting, business licensing and special event permitting, Tillit is president and CEO of East of Collins Expediting Inc., a premier permit expediting service provider servicing clients throughout South Florida.
Since 2009, he has offered construction permits, business licenses, special event permits, and other supporting services. In 2010, he re-launched these services under the East of Collins Expediting brand, which is a branch of East of Collins, a luxury lifestyle management company providing bespoke services.
Tillit has served on the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce since 2016. He is currently the vice chair of the Chamber’s Pillar Board, an Executive Board member, and a member of the Board of Governors. In addition, he sits on the Board of the Aventura Marketing Council, which has served as Aventura’s chamber of commerce for over 28 years and is proud to have approximately 400 companies and organizations from throughout South Florida as members.
Also, Larisa Svechin, mayor of Sunny Isles Beach, appointed Tillit to the Vision of the West Side of Collins committee. He additionally holds the treasurer position for the Master Board and Tower 3 Board of Directors for the St. Tropez Community, where East of Collins is headquartered.
He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance from Florida International University in Miami, Florida. He speaks English and Spanish.