Welcome to our back-end portal.  This submission form is for anything related to TASTE (dining experiences, wine, food and cocktail recipes). You can choose up  2 categories.

FOR RECIPE SUBMISSIONS: Follow This Format: Click Here
Include in your Submission:  Recipe may NOT be available at restaurant at time of viewing; contact restaurant for confirmation.
To ensure the BEST COVERAGE  for your client, you can include the restaurant name, description of restaurant, Chef name and all digital platform links and address.

Be sure to add Photo Credits either by tagging the photo or including any necessary photo credits in the body of the copy.  By submitting your content and image, you are acknowledging that you have the copyright authorization to do so.

We use our website to curate content for our print, newsletter, and social media platforms. To increase your client’s chances of additional coverage, ensure you provide excellent content and images. If selected for print coverage, we’ll reach out via email for high-resolution images.

Our content curation team does their best to review all submissions within 48-72 business hours. Opportunities for approval are greater when your content fits our brand and the images submitted meet our standards. Please no flyers.

If interested in Win-Win marketing collaborations or hosting one of our networking events at your client’s restaurant – email: Info@LuxuryGuideUSA.com

If your submission can fall under a few topics, please click multiple options. If you are submitting a feature not related to Taste categories, view the links at the top of the page.
Website Submission Title should contain enticing keywords that will describe the feature.
For proper formatting examples, click the below link that corresponds to the type of content you're submitting:
Featured Company Gallery

Important Image Notes - Failure to comply may result in submission not being published.

1 Image - 1MB Max

To Resize Images, go to: https://imageresizer.com/bulk-resize

Images must be labeled and credited correctly.

must be URL with http:// or https://