Welcome to our back-end portal.  This submission form is for EVENT RECAPS. Please submit your copy in Reader Friendly Format- NOT as a press release. 

Be sure to add Photo Credits either by tagging the photo or including any necessary photo credits in the body of the copy.  By submitting your content and image, you are acknowledging that you have the copyright authorization to do so.

Our content curation team does their best to review all submissions within 48-72 business hours. Opportunities for approval are greater when your content fits our brand and the images submitted meet our standards. Please no flyers.

If interested in Win-Win marketing collaborations or hosting one of our networking events at your client’s restaurant – email: Info@LuxuryGuideUSA.com

To Submit Event Galleries (Recap of Social Events)Complete the Form Below

Event Gallery Submission Title should contain enticing keywords that will describe the activity or occasion.
This submission form is for OTHER Categories (Not Related to Taste) If your submission, includes a date, please add it.

Important Image Notes - Failure to comply may result in submission not being published.

1 Image - 5MB Max

To Resize Images, go to: https://imageresizer.com/bulk-resize

Images must be labeled and credited correctly.

must be URL with http:// or https://